Tues. 4/28: OWLS Zoom Meeting: Salute Frontline Workers!

Help plan an Emergency Motorcade to Support Front line Workers
OWLS is spearheading a motorcade to help essential workers put a spotlight on critical safety demands and press for pro-labor solutions to the pandemic and deepening economic downturn. Led by front line bus drivers, grocery clerks, custodians and other essential workers, the motorcade will stop at strategic locations to highlight some current workplace struggles. Your ideas, skills and creativity are needed as plans for the route and messaging are firmed up.

Also Updates on Frontline Workers’ Campaigning for COVID19 Measures and history on the meaning of May Day and the West Coast Waterfront Strike
Transit workers, custodians, and others report on changing conditions; Learn the history of May Day and how workers shut down the West Coast Waterfront in 1934, starting on May 9th.

To join the April 28 OWLS ZOOM online meeting:
By computer or smartphone:
Meeting ID: 991 693 0964
Password: 337891

By Phone:
+1 253 215 8782 US
+1 301 715 8592 US
Meeting ID: 991 693 0964
Password: 337891