Solidarity Check-in – Fri., April 17 via Zoom or phone

Solidarity Check In
Friday, April 17, 6:30pm   

via Web or PhoneUpdate on Transit Workers’ Campaign for COVID19 Measures
Rank-and-file activists of Amalgamated Transit Union 587 report on their efforts to push for protective equipment and training, hazard pay, clean filters on buses, and transparency on cases of COVID19 in the workplace.

Help plan emergency action to defend frontline & unemployed workers
Custodians, bus drivers, grocery clerks, and other workers across a broad spectrum of jobs are raising similar demands for protective equipment and safety measures against COVID19.  Workers suddenly unemployed are scrambling to put food on the table. Help OWLS lay plans to raise labor’s issues in an emergency motorcade for workers rights.

To join the OWLS ZOOM online meeting

By Computer or Smartphone click link below.
Meeting ID: 896 4301 1067

By Phone –dial
1 253 215 8782 US or
1 301 715 8592 US

Have you signed & shared the petition to support Metro Transit Workers? The links are below, plus phone numbers to call the King County Executive & Council members. Thanks

1) Sign and share the petition

2. Call King County Executive Dow Constantine at 206-263-9600 and your County Council member at 206-477-1000. Let County officials know you support the demands of transit workers!