Picket Against White Supremacy! Counter-protest at Westlake Park

Ultra-right groups have called for Sunday, April 11, to be a national day of “White Lives Matter” rallies, including in Seattle at Westlake at 1pm. It is no accident that they are gathering to flaunt their racist ideology during the trial of George Floyd’s murderer, which is also a time of increased violence and misogyny against Asian Americans and the inhumane detention of refugee children at the border.
Together we can stop these bigots!
Bring signs, banners, noisemakers, and chants to shout out the racists and outright fascists.
Sunday, April 11, 11:30am
@ Westlake Park, 401 Pine St., Seattle
Sponsored by Stand Against White Supremacy Coalition

All Eyes on Bessemer: Ground Zero in the Fight for Workers’ Rights

OWLS Meeting:
Tuesday, March 23, 6:30pm

Warehouse workers at Amazon fulfilment centers confront brutal conditions and poverty pay. This reality has sparked a union drive in Bessamer, Alabama, led by Black women workers. The month-long vote will end on March 28. OWLS looks at the rich history of labor organizing in Bessamer, solidarity built between the civil rights and labor movements, and the current struggle to beat an anti-labor goliath that has kept  its U.S. shops union free – until now.

Join the meeting via zoom at bit.ly/Register4OWLSMeeting

Lessons from the History of “Open Shop” Laws

OWLS Meeting
Tuesday, February 23, 6:30pm

In honor of Black History Month, OWLS looks at the rise of anti-worker laws in the 1940s in response to the successful, anti-racist organizing of the Congress of Industrial Organizations (CIO). These laws first emerged in the U.S. South, as unions experienced rapid growth and Black workers played a leading role. Anti-worker forces countered the CIO with deceitfully-named “Right-to-Work” legislation, backed by wealthy industrialists who also opposed women’s suffrage, integration and child labor laws. Labor scholar Don Larson looks at this history and draws lessons for today’s battles against ultra-right groups like the Freedom Foundation.
Join the meeting via zoom by going to bit.ly/Register4OWLSMeeting

Root Out Racism at King County and Beyond!

February 19, 2021

Despite King County’s frequent proclamations of their support for Equity and Social Justice, the reality faced by many workers of color at the County is a far cry from the vision fought for by Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Equity in hiring, discipline, promotion and training is not happening on the ground. Outright bigotry – a KKK-style noose placed next to a black figurine at Metro South Base, attacks on the Pride Flag at Metro Bellevue Base, and harassment of workers of color at Solid Waste and other departments – sparked protests led by OWLS and County workers last year. Yet management continues to brush problems under the rug and retaliate against those who speak up. The storming of the U.S. Capitol tells us what happens when those in power enable bigotry. It gets worse.

In 2020, backed by the collective voices of unions, community groups, and social justice activists, Organized Workers for Labor Solidarity (OWLS) helped King County workers shine a spotlight on the ongoing racism and bigotry they endure on the job. As part of the campaign to Root out Racism at King County and Beyond! OWLS requested a meeting with County Executive Dow Constantine. Even after phone calls, letters and three rallies and speak-outs, Constantine still refused to meet or hear workers’ concerns.

These workers’ voices must not be silenced. OWLS will take the case for redress and action to the County CouncilChange is urgently needed at King County. As a first step please add your organization’s support by endorsing the campaign and its demands. To endorse, please email OrganizedWorkersLS@gmail.com or call 206-819-2279.

In Solidarity,

Organized Workers for Labor Solidarity (OWLS)

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Root Out Racism at King County and Beyond!

To: Martin Luther King Jr. County Executive Dow Constantine, and County Council members

We, the undersigned, demand action NOW to end the epidemic of racism throughout King County worksites.

  • Immediate action to stop racist threats, harassment, discrimination, and all forms of bigotry and retaliation at worksites. Make management accountable and transparent.
  • Establish an independent Office of Equal Rights for complaints; Restitution for all who have filed complaints on racism without satisfactory resolution.
  • Affirmative Action in County hiring, training, promotion. End nepotism.
  • Stop lay-offs, privatization, and service cuts by taxing King County’s super wealth. Create public works and jobs for housing, healthcare, environmental clean-up, and other human services.
  • Stop union-busting, honor workers’ rights.
  • No safety, no work! Healthy worksites for all workers.


Organized Workers for Labor Solidarity

OrganizedWorkersLS@gmail.com 0 206-819-2279

OrganizedWorkers.org 0 Facebook.com/organizedworkers

PO Box 94614, Seattle, WA 98124




OWLS Special Meeting: Racial Justice – It’s a Labor Issue!

Juan graphicTuesday, January 26, 6:30pm
In this special meeting to honor Martin Luther King, Jr., a multiracial panel of public-sector unionists examines the history and current struggles of Black, Indigenous and other workers of color in fighting systemic racism, while also demanding good jobs, justice for all workers, and expanded public services. Panelists also report on an exciting campaign initiated by OWLS, to Root Out Racism in the County named for the civil rights leader.
Speakers: Annaliza Torres, Filipina socialist feminist and member of OPEIU 8;
James Pratt, Anti-racist activist and one of the few Black Mechanics at King County Metro;
Adam Arriaga, Latino militant in ATU 587 and member of OWLS Steering Committee
Join the meeting by going to bit.ly/Register4OWLSMeeting

Gearing up to Raise Good Trouble in 2021!

OWLS Solidarity Check-in
Friday, January 8, 6:30pm

OWLS reports on plans to participate in Martin Luther King Jr. Day. This year’s celebration includes zoom workshops, a youth event, and culminates in a march and rally to be held on Monday, January 18. Help lay plans for OWLS participation. Also learn the latest on local labor battles, or bring news of yours!  Join the meeting by going to bit.ly/Register4OWLSCheck-In

And mark your calendar for Martin Luther King Day …

This year’s MLK Jr. Day is themed “Good Trouble, Necessary Trouble.” Join the OWLS contingent and bring your union colors! For more info also go to: https://www.seattlemlkcoalition.org/
Meet at Garfield High, 23rd and Jefferson.  Gather for the rally at 11:00am
March at 12:30pm

Racial Justice – It’s a Labor Issue!

Tuesday, November 24, 6:30pm
Despite the raging nationwide movement for racial reckoning, too many workers of color still confront bigotry and discrimination on the job. Often our unions fail to defend those on the front lines. How can we turn it around? Amalgamated Transit Union members Cheryl Jones and Adam Arriaga lead a discussion about revitalizing our unions and the OWLS battle to root out racism at King County.
Join the OWLS meeting by going to bit.ly/Register4OWLSMeetingJuan graphic


Elections 2020: The Battle at the Ballot Box and Beyond

In the run up to the election the Trump Administration, white supremacists, and ultra-rightists have mounted an unprecedented attack on democratic and civil rights, including the right to protest. To stop the assault, the labor movement has called for mass action, including a general strike. (see MLK Labor resolution below)

Organized Workers for Labor Solidarity (OWLS) is part of the mobilizing effort. Please join other labor and community activists at the protests! Bring picket signs and wear your union colors. Look for the big yellow OWLS banner at the gatherings below.

Actions to Stop Trump from Stealing the Election

Sunday, November 1 – 3pm – Action Assembly
Cal Anderson Park, Pine Street and 11th Ave. Co-sponsored by several organizations including OWLS

Wednesday, November 4 – 5pm – March and Rally 
Multiple sponsors. Gather at Westlake Park, 4th Avenue and Pine St.

Also mark your calendar for upcoming meetings:

OWLS Solidarity Check In
Elections 2020-The Battle at the Ballot Box & Beyond
Friday, November 13 – 6:30pm
Eyewitness accounts from the election protest. Join the discussion, where to next for the labor and social justice movements. This ain’t over!
Register for the meeting at http://bit.ly/Register4OWLSCheck-In

See the resolution passed by MLK Labor calling labor and community to action to defend democratic rights http://mlklabor.org/resolutions/resolution-on-protecting-democracy/