We Rise Against Project 2025″ – MLK Jr. March & Rally

March with Organized Workers for Labor Solidarity (OWLS) at
Martin Luther King Jr. Day Rally & March, “We Rise Against Project 2025”
Monday, January 20th
Workshops 9:15am; Rally 11am – Garfield High, 400 23rd Ave., Seattle
March 12:30pm to Jimi Hendrix Park for 2nd Rally –
2400 S Massachusetts St. (next door to the NW African American Museum)

This year’s labor-community March and Rally is an opportunity to come together for Social Justice and stand united against Trump’s divide-and-conquer race to the bottom.
Join OWLS for tabling at Garfield. March with OWLS (look for the yellow banner) to Jimi Hendrix Park. Speakers there will include Gabriel Prawl, a pioneering Black leader in ILWU, President of A. Philip Randolph Institute, an OWLS activist and dynamic organizer for workers’ and civil rights.

For info on the MLK Celebration go to: Seattle MLK Jr Organizing Coalition

For information about OWLS and upcoming events:
Email OrganizedworkersLS@gmail.com or visit OrganizedWorkers.org