Labor Unites to Defend Democratic Rights

OWLS Meeting
Tuesday, Oct. 27 – 6:30pmWith Election Day less than two weeks away, unionists are mobilizing to protect the basic freedoms of all workers, including the right to vote and protest without intimidation. At this meeting OWLS reports on efforts to build a United Front with Left and labor forces across the U.S. to fight Trump Administration attacks on democratic rights.OWLS also celebrates the Martin Luther King County Labor Council passage of a resolution – with 97% approval – to “take whatever nonviolent actions are necessary up to and including a general strike” to stop Trump and his ultra-right allies from stealing the election or trampling civil rights and liberties. OWLS members wrote resolutions, made calls, and otherwise urged action and leadership from county and state labor councils. Join OWLS in discussing developments and next steps as the fight to defend democracy and the right to organize heats up! The full text of the resolution is below.
Meeting via Zoom:
To participate by computer or smartphone register                                             at:
To participate by phone dial (253) 215-8782
enter meeting ID 851 2769 9070

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Below is the resolution passed by Martin Luther King Jr Labor on Wednesday, 10-21-2020. Thanks to all the union members and council delegates who worked to get this passed!

Whereas, MLK Labor and our affiliates are committed to the defense of democratic rights and the institutions of democracy;
Whereas, President Donald Trump and Vice-President Mike Pence have refused to state publicly that they will respect the outcomes of the election and have repeatedly promoted conspiracy theories meant to undermine democracy;
Whereas, President Trump has refused, on multiple occasions, to denounce the activities of white supremacist and fascist militias and organizations that have stated desires to overthrow American democracy and instead has conveyed support for their actions;
Whereas, the Trump administration and Republican allies have a concerted campaign to obstruct, sabotage, and reject a fair and complete count of presidential ballots by creating barriers to voting targeted at people of color, immigrants, women and young people. These tactics include intimidation of BIPOC voters at polling places and requirements to have two people sign a ballot that hurt women voters, as well as dismantling key infrastructure such as the U.S. Postal Service;
Whereas, the Constitution requires voting results and Electoral College tallies to be completed and submitted to Congress by the first Monday after the second Wednesday in December, and the new 2021 Congress to validate the results, and voters should be determining the results, not courts;
Whereas, Trump has denied science, resulting in more than 200,000 Americans dying from COVID and millions more facing deep economic pain due to ongoing impact from the virus, and can do irreparable harm during a lame duck session;
Whereas, the extreme risk currently posed to the historic institutions of democracy in our nation may require more widespread and vigorous resistance than at any time in recent history;
Whereas, the Labor Movement and trade unions have played a proud and vital role in protecting democracy and opposing authoritarianism in many nations throughout the world;
Whereas, united working people refusing to work across the nation have a greater power than any political machinations of aspiring despots. The most powerful tool of the Labor Movement in our history has been the power of the General Strike;
Therefore be it resolved that MLK Labor will work with allies in the anti-racist, environmental justice, feminist, and poor peoples movements as well as the LGBTQ+, religious minorities, and immigrant communities to make contingency plans, in response to undemocratic actions by President Trump and his allies;
Be it further resolved that MLK Labor will take actions to prepare for widespread non-violent action including protests and work-stoppages by coordinating peacekeeper and other necessary trainings;
Be it further resolved that MLK Labor will encourage people to sign the Coup Preparation pledge;
Be it further resolved that MLK Labor will call on City and County governments to pledge to protect the protesters defending democracy and commit to not using police action or curfews to curtail these activities and to use all available resources to stand up against against any effort by the Trump administration to steal the election;
Be it further resolved that MLK Labor will call upon the Washington State Labor Council and the AFL-CIO to coordinate development of shared messaging by organized labor and community allies designed to get out the vote and counter misinformation to be implemented immediately and to support affiliate and
community allies efforts to fulfill this resolution;
Be it finally resolved that MLK Labor, in collaboration with other labor and progressive forces, will take whatever nonviolent actions are necessary up to and including a general strike to protect our democracy, the Constitution, the law and our nation’s democratic traditions.

Racism is a Public Health Crisis at King County!

Juan graphicPICKET & SPEAK-OUT!


Since July, Dow Constantine has refused to acknowledge or meet to discuss demands that address the epidemic of racism at King County’s worksites. Since he has refused to meet, OWLS is bringing the meeting to him.

Tuesday, October 6, 4pm
Offices of King County Executive Dow Constantine
Chinook Building, 5th Ave & Jefferson St., Seattle

We Demand:

  • Immediate action to stop racist threats and harassment at King County worksites
  • Restitution for all who have filed complaints on racism without satisfactory resolution; establish an independent office of equal rights for complaints
  • Affirmative Action in hiring, training, promotion. End nepotism!
  • Healthy worksites and PPE for frontline workers
  • Stop lay-offs and service cuts by taxing King County’s super wealth
  • Stop union-busting, honor workers’ rights

Sponsor: Organized Workers for Labor Solidarity

To endorse or for info: email Or call 206-819-2279.

OWLS Meeting on Friday, October 9 will discuss this campaign and next steps. To attend, register at